Want to make your own baby food?
When I was told about making my own baby food two years ago I thought it was going to be really hard and time consuming. I had been looking at the cost of baby food in the stores and was willing to try anything to save us some money. I ended up buying a Baby Bullet since I didn't have a blender or food processor. The ad on their website looked simple enough and it really is. Here's the video I made the very first time I used the Baby Bullet.
My mom had bought me extra containers which helped out a whole lot when it came to making mass amounts of foods. She also bought their cookbook which helped give me ideas on what to make and when I could start giving certain items. I know that I saved a lot of money by doing this and it really didn't take that long to make. For the veggies, I bought the Wal*Mart steamer packs which at the time were $1.00 each and made about 12 oz or six 2 oz jars. The only foods that Michael rejected were sweat potatoes, white potatoes, and chicken. He loved everything else that I made and could never be fed fast enough.
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If you're interested in getting this system, you can click on the link below. It's worth the investment!
homemade baby food