The second week, we were still on vacation and travelling. Once we got home, the plan was to get up to date with the countdown, but Michael has been sick and has been only up to reading one book. Here's what Michael picked for last week:
We haven't been doing as well with this countdown as we have the past couple years. Being on vacation during that week didn't really help. Here's what Michael picked out:
Just within the past few months, Michael has been all about getting a bedtime story read to him. Because of that, this year's countdown has been more exciting than it has been the last two years. You can read about last year's countdown here, Twenty-four Days of Christmas Books. I had completely forgot to take a picture of all the books before my mom wrapped them for me. Most of the books used last year are being used again this year. I will post a weekly update of what was picked out and read.
Michael loves to hang out with me in the kitchen, even plays with his play kitchen while I'm cooking. He always wants to help, but I didn't have any kid friendly kitchen utensils that he could use. I happened to run across a company that specializes in just what I was looking for, Curious Chef. I put the foundation kit on Michael's wish list and my step-mom ended up getting it for him for a birthday gift.

I'm a stay-at-home mom in the DC Metro Area who is always looking for new and exciting things to do with the family without breaking the bank. I write about kids, meal planning, DIY, crafts, holidays, recipes, and good old family fun. Follow me on this journey called life!