This week we needed to stock up on a few things and buy stuff for snack time for Michael's class. It was a good thing that we had a carry over of money from the previous week. Here's what we have planned for dinners this week:
I know this is a little late on writing about, but thought that I should write this before writing about our grocery shopping this past weekend. The dinners that were planned are as follows:
One of the first things I learned to cook many years ago was lasagna, but that was the Chef Boyardee lasagna in a box. I could make it without looking at the instructions on the box, but then they changed their sauce and it just didn't taste the same. Over the past few years, I would just put a Stouffer's lasagna in the over when we wanted lasagna.
image source.
We decided on Epcot as our first park for our Walt Disney World vacation back in December. It was either try and do everything at the Animal Kingdom in 4 short hours or go to Epcot that was open later and try to do as much there before the night time fireworks show, IlluminNations. We knew that we more than likely would not make it to the park until sometime in the afternoon since we were driving in that morning.
We decided on Epcot as our first park for our Walt Disney World vacation back in December. It was either try and do everything at the Animal Kingdom in 4 short hours or go to Epcot that was open later and try to do as much there before the night time fireworks show, IlluminNations. We knew that we more than likely would not make it to the park until sometime in the afternoon since we were driving in that morning.
Normally for Valentine's Day we buy a heart shaped cookie cake, but this year I decided to try it out for myself. Just because it's heart shaped, doesn't mean that it can only be done for Valentine's Day. I prefer a cookie cake over a real cake for my birthday every year.
Do you ever just feel that going grocery shopping is a never ending cycle? Sometimes I just hate the idea of figuring out what to make for dinner for the upcoming week and then going shopping for all the food. It just always seems like it would be easier to go out to eat all the time since I have, what seems like, the two pickiest people living with me. Since we don't have a money tree in the backyard to just pick money off of, we have to cook at home. Here's the plans for this week:
Within the past year, Michael had gone from playing with Mega Blocs to regular LEGOs. Since he's grown to love LEGOs, Jon and I decided that we would make him a LEGO table. The thing is, we didn't want it to be a permanent LEGO table. Here's how we did just that.
This past weekend was not the best. Friday I was sick the whole day and Jon was at his grandparents house working on something with his dad. The rest of the weekend, Jon was sick. Somehow we got the grocery shopping done, but I didn't get around to taking a picture of our items.
Our first character meal during our Walt Disney World vacation back in December was at the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom. At this meal, you'll meet Winnie the Pooh and a few of his 100 Acre Woods pals.
This past weekend we took Michael to see The Berenstain Bears On Stage that was being performed at Way Off Broadway Dinner Theatre & Children's Theatre in Frederick, MD. Being someone who grew up loving The Berenstain Bears, I was rather excited to see this show. We were not disappointed!

I'm a stay-at-home mom in the DC Metro Area who is always looking for new and exciting things to do with the family without breaking the bank. I write about kids, meal planning, DIY, crafts, holidays, recipes, and good old family fun. Follow me on this journey called life!
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Blog Archive
- Crockpot BBQ Chicken
- Sometimes being the snack mom for the week can cau...
- Staying way under budget - Meal Plans and Grocery ...
- Lillian's Lasagne
- Epcot 2014
- Heart Shaped Cookie Cake
- Keeping it within the budget - Meal Plans and Groc...
- DIY LEGO table
- Back on the budget wagon - Meal Plans and Grocery ...
- Character Meal at the Crystal Palace
- The Berenstain Bears On Stage in Frederick, MD