Having a stockpile can really come in handy when things are tight - Meal Plan and Grocery Trip for Aug. 31st thru Sept. 6th

meal plans, grocery budget of $25.00 a week,
So with a new school year approaching and a possible new work schedule for Jon, I thought we would try and switch up the whole meal plan and grocery trip posts.  We are going to try and make more meals at home than we had been and at the end of each month I'll write a post about how well we did.  On to this week.

Not only am I switching things up with these posts, the next month the weekly budgets will be less than the normal $50.  Our grocery budget  comes from Jon's oncall pay which is every other week, but this week he can't take the phone because of his family's family reunion this weekend.  So because of missing out on a week of uncall pay, our weekly grocery budget will be $25.  This is one of the reasons why I like that we have been trying to have a surplus of items to make tight times not so tight.  Here's this week's meal plan:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Spaghetti Left Overs Eating Out Eating Out

Once we decided on what we were going to have for dinners this week, we looked to see what we didn't have on hand to make these meals happen.  We already had everything for the chicken alfredo, had the meat & cheese for the cheese steaks, had the pizza sauce & pepperoni for the French bread pizza, and had spaghetti sauce & noodles for the spaghetti.

Because we had a majority of the items already and an extremely small budget, our lists were rather small.  Here's the list for Walmart:

Items Prices
loaf of French bread $1.00
hoagie rolls $2.78
shredded mozzarella $2.47
garlic breadsticks $2.00

The total spent at Walmart was $8.46.

Here's the list for Wegmans:

Items Prices
gallon of whole milk $2.99
OJ $2.49
gallon of apple juice $4.99

The total spent at Wegmans was $10.73.  The grand total spent on this week's groceries was $19.19.  That makes us under budget by $5.81 which will be carried over to next week's budget.  We might not have been able to stay under budget if we didn't already have most of the items on hand and the fact that we'll be at a family reunion.  Let's see how next week goes and don't forget to come back at the end of the month to see how well we did.
