"And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care." Ever wonder what those of us who don't have chimneys do with our Christmas stockings? I never really wondered that because we didn't have a mantel growing up. Here's how we hang our stockings in our house.
When I would sign up for certain items for Michael's parties at preschool, I wanted to be creative. Even though I'm a stay-at-home mom, I still don't want a project (especially something that will be eaten) to be too time consuming for me to make. So, when I signed up to bring popcorn for Michael's Christmas party a few years ago, I knew I wanted to do some type of snowmen theme.
This has truly become a lasting tradition for Christmas in our family. We've been doing this Christmas book countdown since Michael was one and each year he has enjoyed it even more. Hopefully this year he'll be able to start reading some of these books himself with the help of Jon or myself.
Since I'm the Christmas junky that I am, I actually have over twenty-four Christmas movies. So, last year I decided that we would add a new tradition to our ever growing list of Christmas traditions. Since our Christmas movie countdown was such a hit last year, we are doing it again.
If you're like me, you're always trying to come up with ideas for those stockings. Most of the time Michael's stocking is just field with different things - no theme to it. This year I have decided to theme the stocking with a cars theme. Here's some ideas that I've got in mind for his stocking.

I'm a stay-at-home mom in the DC Metro Area who is always looking for new and exciting things to do with the family without breaking the bank. I write about kids, meal planning, DIY, crafts, holidays, recipes, and good old family fun. Follow me on this journey called life!